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Why Online Marketing?

Social Media is the fastest growing and least expensive strategy available to target your business to anyone, anywhere!  To effectively run an online marketing campaign, you must spend between 15 and 40 hours a week online.  You also need to constantly read about new updates to the programs on a frequent basis, and you need the skills to create posts people want to engage with.  If you’ve attempted to run your own social media in the past, you know it’s worth the investment.


Take the traditional flyer and turn it into a post on Social Media, the traditional cold call and turn it into interacting/connecting with others on social media, and the traditional hostess greeting at the door into a friendly hello message.


Over 80% of online consumers prefer to follow businesses and brands on social media and nearly all top brands throughout the United States have active social media pages today. Why? Availability. Your social media profiles are a window into your company personality, providing a voice to help build your brand as a trustworthy source. Today, being found online goes beyond just a company website. Reach multiple generations through your social media channels.


How long does it take to get started?

On average it takes 5-10 days to set up and develop your campaign.


How do I provide you access to my accounts?

We will need to be designated as an Admin for your pages. We can provide easy instructions on how to do this. I will also need your login and password for certain accounts.


What if I don’t have any accounts yet?

We will need to set them up for you; that’s not a problem.


Do you interact with my followers?

We sure do! If anyone messages or comments on your pages we will reply. We will definitely let you know of any pressing matters or awesome messages.


How long to see results?

Clients should see an increase in leads within the first six months of their campaign. These results vary based on a large number of factors. 


How can my business see results faster?

It takes time to see results because people take time to process and understand information. Traditional rules of marketing state that for every one hundred people contacted, one to five people will be a worthwhile client/customer.


There are a few ways you can increase your chances of early results including increasing your investment by adding Ads or Boosts, more social media, search engine optimization, creating a great video, etc., putting effort into the business on your own such as joining networking groups, promoting your social media and increasing the size of your current network, etc.  Add the social media logos to your website, etc. to let people know you can be found now.


Will you come up with content to post or do I have to send it to you?

This really depends on your preference. Some clients send content every few days, many don’t send any at all. Although creating content is not an obligation because, when you sign up as a client, we will discuss your audience, target market, goals, etc. This will give us the information necessary to create your online marketing plan. We will use that plan to come up with great content for you. However, you know your business and audience best because you are the business owner/professional and it is definitely more authentic when you are involved.  It also helps to have you feed us with upcoming and special events, updates, and things happening that we can share with your followers.


What kind of content do you post?

We will create high-quality social media posts for your business. These posts will be posted to your social media channels 3-5x week. This can include professional articles, high-quality images, interactive videos and great written content. 

It's not just about the content you post. It's about how often you post it.

That's why I'm here: to make sure that your social media platforms are always active and engaging, so you can keep your customer loyalty high and keep your brand identity consistent across all platforms. We'll make sure that each post is well-optimized for each platform, so you get the most out of every post.


All of your posts will be relevant to your business’s industry while targeting your ideal prospective customer and audience. 

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