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Social Media is dominating the way people communicate today!

Did you know that Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) now report that they are Facebook users?  And roughly three-quarters of those users access Facebook on a daily basis, (60% of Instagram users), with around half (51%) saying they do several times a day.

Did you also know that the fastest growing platform currently is Instagram?  35% of U.S. adults now say they use this platform, an increase of seven percentage points from the 28% who said they did in 2016.

The viral reach of the social media community is huge!  If you are not advertising or communicating on social media, the time is now.


Social Strategy Solutions (SSS) is a boutique social media management agency on the North Shore of Long Island.

We bridge the gap for small businesses that don’t have the resources, people, time, or expertise to get a measurable return on digital marketing.  SSS takes the time-consuming pressure off of you so that you can focus your time on building your business.

We can be the VIRTUAL YOU!


SSS’s approach is to understand you, your business and the industry in which you compete.  We analyze your current social strategy and develop a customized branding plan to build your social media story. 

We tell a story for you… about you and your brand, and about your customer through social media channels.  We put your brand on the front lines of the social media landscape, taking it to the next level, reaching your customers and followers through all social channels. 

Our goal is to build your social media following while conveying what your business does, showcase your company’s personality and prompt your customers and followers to take action.  We will build relationships for you and engage your target audience through the use of high quality photos and videos, and detailed social media planning and management. 

Technology is changing the way society connects everyone. We can help you go beyond the marketing and into the future.

Our Preferred Platforms:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, Linkedin

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